How to Make Layered Soap (Melt and Pour)

This post was originally published in July 2016
and updated as of June 2022.

I entered uncharted DIY territory over the weekend…I made soap! And guess what I learned? I love making soap! It was so fun coming up with colors and shapes and scent ideas. The possibilities are endless! I think you would love it too, so today I’m sharing how to make layered soap (just melt and pour)!


I found that if you can boil water you can make soap. It’s that easy. There was something so satisfying about melting and pouring the cubes, waiting for them to set and then cutting into it and seeing my creation. I was like a mad soap scientist and I’m super into it.

Handmade soap is perfect for gifts, or shower/party favors since it is totally customizable. Plus, my showers smell unreal now, thanks to the essential oils I used. Smells like straight-up sunshine in there.

Now let’s make soap!


Supplies needed to make layered soap

Essential Oils
2lb White Glycerine Soap Base (I used coconut but your can use soy or whatever variety you like.)
2lb Clear Soap Base
Liquid Soap Dye
Soap molds or tupperware
Loaf pan


How to make layered soap

1. Using medium heat, melt your clear soap base on the stove, stirring frequently. While the soap is melting, set out tupperware or soap molds (lay out one for each color you would like in your soap.) Once the soap is completely melted add essential oils, stir until combined, and pour into containers. Immediately add dye to containers and stir until color is evenly distributed.


2. Let the clear/colored soaps harden completely.


3. Once the soap is completely set, pop out of containers and cut into strips (or any shape that you prefer!)


4. Next, melt your white soap the same way you melted your clear soap. While it is melting, layer your clear soap strips into a loaf pan. Once the white soap is completely melted, stir in your essential oils.


5. Once the white soap is completely melted, pour it over the crystals in the loaf pan. Let set completely for several hours or overnight. Once it is set, cut around the edges of the pan and pop out the soap, then cut into individual slices.

IMG_1047 (1)

That’s it! Isn’t it gorgeous? If only you could smell it, your day would be made! I love seeing the layers of colors and especially love how no bars are the same because of the way they melted. It’s pretty magical stuff.


These are perfect for making a bathroom feel extra special, or would be darling wrapped up as a gift. I told you, I’m a total soap-making convert now. No ordinary soap will do.


Have you every made soap before? What are your favorite tips and tricks?

Happy making!
ox. Liz

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