DIY “If you’ve got it, haunt it” dress + Free Cut File!

Halloween!!! Admittedly, it’s not my favorite of the holidays, but I do love it because it’s the beginning of the holiday season, and that IS my favorite! I love all things festive, and dressing myself and my kids in all the holiday garb is too fun. So you bet I’m adding HTV to lots of shirts/dresses/sweatshirts, like I did with this “If you’ve got it, haunt it” dress. Speaking of shirts/dresses/sweatshirts, this design would be adorable on any and all of those surfaces, so don’t hold back! Keep scrolling for the full tutorial and free cute file!

Supplies needed to make this project:

Cut file (scroll to the bottom of the post to download!)
Cutting machine
Heat Transfer Vinyl (2 contrasting colors)
Embroidery floss

Step 1: Cut the design out of the vinyl. I used white for the background and black for the text/graphic to make it pop on the dress I used.

Step 2: Iron the background color on the dress. Remove the carrier sheet.

Step 3: Iron the text/graphic over the background. Remove the carrier sheet.

Step 4: Make a little tassel out of embroidery floss and attach to the dress.

And voila! You have the cutest, sassiest little number for your cute, sassy little princess to wear at Halloween time!

And as if it isn’t cute enough, you go and put it on a little person, and it becomes like 1000x cuter!

Happy haunting!
xo, Sam

Check out some of our other favorite Halloween projects!

DIY Halloween Mugs

DIY Halloween Village

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