Be An Outsider at Work with LLBean!

This post was sponsored by LLBean. All opinions expressed are ours alone. 

Last week my talented photographer friend Megan and I had the best time visiting LLBean’s “Be an Outsider at Work” event in Madison Square Park here in New York City! If you haven’t ever visited this park, it is an NYC dream in the heart of Manhattan in the shadow of the iconic Flat Iron Building. It is also a constant hub of activity that is surrounded by high-rise buildings where thousands of people are working in offices. As a result, this was the perfect oasis for LLBean’s incredible event where they created the first-ever outdoor co-working space to encourage people to get outside even during work! This innovative event came after LLBean participated in a research study that showed that spending more time outside makes us more productive, more creative, and happier! And since the majority of participants in the study said that work is the main barrier to their spending time outside, LLBean launched the “Be an Outsider at Work” initiative to find ways to get people working outside so they can reap the benefits of fresh air while still being productive at work!

In case you missed my Instagram stories and videos of the event (you can find them in my highlights right here) the launch of this initiative was the gorgeous co-working space in Madison Square Park. This co-working space wasn’t just some patio furniture in a park — LLbean teamed up with leading co-working provider Industrious to create beautiful, comfortable and stylish work spaces, collaborative conference areas, cycling desks, wifi, and outdoor team building activities to make working outside glam! Here’s a few snaps from the day:


Can you believe how gorgeous these work spaces are? I sort of wanted to get my hands on an office job immediately so I didn’t have to leave. I loved watching people walking over from their offices in their business casual attire, laptops in hand, to sit down with co-workers at these lovely desks under a shady tree. You could tell right away it brought a bolt of good energy to be out there. LLBean is the coolest. This was genius.

Wouldn’t you love to bring your co-workers out to a space like this to work? I can’t imagine the good ideas you could cook up in this setting. To learn more about this awesome initiative and to get involved, you have to head over to the “Be an Outsider at Work” page right here. You’re gonna be amazed.

BIG thank you to LLBean for letting us visit the space and for leading the way in finding ways to get us outside so we can be better. I am SO into it.

ox. Liz

Tee: c/o LLBean
Pants: c/o LLBean
Espadrilles: c/o LLBean

All images by Megan Morgan

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