DIY Halloween Party Printables

It’s Halloween party week! If you are like us you probably have Halloween celebrations coming out of your eyeballs in the next few days, and if you are throwing one yourself we are here to help! Today we are sharing a little tutorial for throwing together a spooky little get-together with Fanta Orange Soda as our Jack O’Lantern juice (a must for any Halloween party), lots of spooky cookies and creepy cakes, as well as the perfect printable labels to give it some sass. Here is what we did: 

After choosing a fun menu of treats and candies you can download these fun, spooky labels from our shop. Then, glue them on toothpicks, stick them on as labels and your table will be scary cute.

Next, attach all of your labels to your food! Tie them on, glue them, or stick them in!


You can make these simple “spooky cookie” holders by cutting cardstock to size, folding it in half, stapling the sides and adding a label!




Once all of the pieces are put together and everything looks nice and spooky, just lay it out and party!

What Halloween celebrations do you have planned this week? And most importantly, what will you be wearing to them? Spill the spooky details!

ox. Liz

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  • Nicole ElliottOctober 28, 2015 - 5:18 pm

    What fun ideas! I love how simple they all are too, just add a few printables and you've got yourself a stylish party! The sayings are super fun, too! ~ clientReplyCancel

  • Paige FlammOctober 29, 2015 - 1:04 am

    This is such a fun Halloween setup! You guys did such a great job! I love the printables and will totally be making good use out of them!


  • […] Happy sipping! And be sure to visit me and my sister Sam as we blog about crafts, food, travel, motherhood and attainable style over at The Pretty Life Girls! There you can find more fun Halloween projects like these DIY Skull Vases, this Skeleton Wreath, and these Halloween Party Printables! […]ReplyCancel