Tips for traveling with kids with nabi Tablets!

Living across the country from family, we generally find ourselves taking the long trip from NYC to Utah a couple times a year. And, since we have two small kids we get asked alllll the time for our tips on traveling with a little family. Because it can be crazy. And exhausting. And sometimes the people on the plane hate you because your child is THAT child on the plane. (WHEN will science give us the kid-safe xanax? WHHHHEEEEN?)

For years we have packed a million coloring books and new toys to try and keep their wiggles under control and not disturb our fellow travelers on flights, and luckily we have been generally successful aside from a couple of wild tantrums and unfortunate throw-up incidents that will not be elaborated upon in this post (you’re welcome). However, for our trip out west a couple of weeks ago, we decided to add on a flight to Oregon and a road trip to Utah. This meant that we needed to bust out the big guns to keep our kiddos happy and our marriage intact for this trip. So, we decided it was time to upgrade from coloring books to the best friend I have ever had in my entire life: the nabi Elev-8 tablet.

Let me preface the adoration I’m about to spew at you by saying that we were super apprehensive about owning kids tablets. As an adult who is constantly having to re-wean myself from my tech addictions, I was nervous to give my kiddos their own screens, but after doing some research about the nabi Elev-8 I felt a lot better about the decision. Plus, if you are going to to do a cross-country flight coupled with a road trip with kids, sometimes you just gotta do what it takes to survive. This includes plenty of shameless stops at McDonalds. Judge me.

So, the specifics. The nabi Elev-8 is different because it has the most educational value and good-for-the-brain content in a kids tablet experience. The nabi Elev-8 comes with 6 free months of unlimited kid-friendly content from nabi Pass, and features the award-winning Wings Learning System for skill set mastery. It also includes Blue Morpho OS, which offers the most comprehensive parental controls and over 400 kid-focused features provides more involvement for parents, offering the most robust time control system for monitoring tablet playtime. AND the nabi Elev-8 delivers a thinner, lighter and more powerful tablet experience for kids. It features a sleek and sophisticated design crafted to evolve with growing hands and minds and superior performance – the only tablet for kids with a fast and powerful 64-bit octa-core processor, 32GB of memory, plus it comes with red bumper for added durability. 

So, ya. It’s awesome. We have been thrilled by all of its features, not to mention, it makes traveling a breeze. How I ever got on a plane with my kids without these suckers is beyond me. They are like the 4 o’clock Diet Coke of traveling must-haves. (That means an absolute NECESSITY, if you don’t speak Diet Coke.)

(Sidenote: All of these images were taken at the gorgeous Historic Reed House in Manzanita Oregon. A full post on this amazing place is coming soon!)

Have you been considering a kid’s tablet for your summer trips this year? Do you have questions about it? Send them my way! AND are you a big traveler with small children? I’d love to hear your tips for surviving and thriving! To the comments with you!

Happy travels!
ox. Liz


This post was compensated by Nabi. All opinions are ours alone. 

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  • Paige FlammJune 1, 2017 - 8:39 pm

    My daughter got a Nabi tablet for Christmas and she is obsessed with it. I try to keep all our tablets uncharged for the most part, but they are lifesavers when we need them!ReplyCancel