PLG Living: Baby Chance’s Nursery

Before Chance was born, I dreamed of a serene, monochromatic nursery full of tans, grays, whites, and other neutrals… you know the type. They are all over Pinterest and they are beautiful. But after spending way too much time in the sterile and colorless rooms of the NICU, my tastes changed, and all I wanted was a bright, colorful, and fun nursery. So I went to town on just that, and I love how it turned out.

As usual, I will include a disclaimer saying that I am not a professional decorator and I don’t have the budget for anything fancy, but I do my best to make my house a place I enjoy spending time. You can see the room details at the bottom of the post.




I wanted to have some details that reminded me of how far Chance has come. So I framed one of his preemie onesies and his first diaper (well not his first diaper – that would be gross – but a diaper the size of the diapers he wore when he was first born… you understand), as well as his first footprints so we can remember how tiny and what a miracle he was.


This table was left in our garage when we moved into our house in March. It had a shelf on top that I had my husband knock off. It was filthy and smelled like cats. But after some cleaning, sanding, painting, and new knobs, it turned out perfectly and for only about the $10 we spent on paint and knobs. We attached a changing pad with command strips, and voila! Changing table.



I made this pillow while I was staying at my parents and needed hobbies to entertain me and keep my mind occupied between trips to the hospital. It is easily my favorite detail in the room and I am obsessed with how it turned out. I will be sharing the tutorial tomorrow, so make sure and check back!

This room makes me happy and Chance tells me all the time how much he loves it 🙂
xo, Sam

Crib: Hand-me-down
Crib blanket: Gift
Mobile: Manhattan Toy Skwish Mobile via eBay // $29.87
Animal World Map Print: artPause via Etsy // $23.81
Preemie shrine: DIY
Changing table: DIY
Owl knobs: Hobby Lobby // $2.50 each
Rocker/recliner: Mother’s Day gift from husband (he got ours from Zulily for a discounted price, but you can also get it on Amazon here)
Pillow: DIY (Tutorial coming soon!)
Chair blanket: Made by my mom
Rug: Big Lots // $20

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  • Rachel // Maybe MatildaOctober 8, 2014 - 4:09 pm

    I LOVE his bright, happy room! I feel you on the serene, monochromatic nurseries–they look nice, but they must get boring. Kids need some color, in my very professional opinion. The pillow is absolutely darling (nice job!), and I think the onesie and diaper are such a sweet touch. I'm so glad that little angel is growing so well!ReplyCancel

  • Amy Fashion BlogOctober 8, 2014 - 6:29 pm

    Your nursery turn out great. You sure have an eye for decorating.ReplyCancel

  • Ashley KellyOctober 8, 2014 - 7:59 pm

    What brand/type of paint did you use and where did you get it from??? I feel like all the paint I look at is so expensive and would love to be able to paint furniture with a $10 budget rather than a $30-$40 budget!ReplyCancel

  • Brooke @ Silver LiningOctober 9, 2014 - 2:10 am

    This is SO cute!! I totally agree with the colors. I envisioned neutral, bright, and airy, but then it just seemed… boring? So it's still bright and airy over in my baby's nursery, but with a lot more pops of bright colors. You have such a great decorating sense.


  • AllieOctober 9, 2014 - 2:12 am

    This is absolutely beautiful nursery, I LOVE it!ReplyCancel