E-Learning Organization: 5 Cute and Productive Homeschool Space Ideas

Whether you are a homeschool teacher by choice or by default during this strange back-to-school season, it can feel super overwhelming to think about all of the elements that can go into creating a classroom at home. To help ease the burden, we’ve spent some time brainstorming a few ways to get your space set up, make it special and make it fun! So, if you’re looking for an idea or two to up the enthusiasm about learning at home, we’ve got a few homeschool space ideas to share!

5 Cute and Productive Homeschool Space Ideas

E-Learning Organization: 5 Cute and Productive Homeschool Space Ideas + a tutorial featured by Top US Craft Blog + The Pretty Life Girls: + rolling cart organization

1. Get Organized

If you don’t have an entire room that you can dedicate to a classroom and are trying to carve out a space in your house to set up a desk or workstation, staying organized will be super helpful. We love using a rolling cart from Michaels to store school supplies because they are compact and can roll to wherever you need them (they come in so many amazing colors, too)! We have a couple of these around the house and they are a great storage solution for small spaces. Add to that some pencil boxes and organizers, and if you want to add another level of organization, you can label them with letter stickers or vinyl label. You can see more details about how we did it here.

E-Learning Organization: 5 Cute and Productive Homeschool Space Ideas + a tutorial featured by Top US Craft Blog + The Pretty Life Girls: + easy alphabet garland decoration

2. Decorate

To bring in a burst of color and iconic classroom decor, make a simple alphabet garland that can be hung in the workspace to brighten things up! It’s fun, easy and will keep your little one on track to learning their ABC’s! We made ours by grabbing a couple sets of punch out letters from Michaels (no cutting required!), punched holes in the letters and strung them up!

E-Learning Organization: 5 Cute and Productive Homeschool Space Ideas + a tutorial featured by Top US Craft Blog + The Pretty Life Girls: + free printable schedule

3. Make a Schedule

Stay on track by downloading our free printable schedule, perfect for planning the day and letting kids know what expect! We printed ours off and laminated it, then hung it on a magnet board with magnets (you could also hang it on a fridge or any magnetic surface). Then, we used a dry erase marker to circle the subjects of the day and made an arrow magnet so that kids could move the arrow to know what part of the day they were in!

Just enter your email below to get the homeschool schedule download!

E-Learning Organization: 5 Cute and Productive Homeschool Space Ideas + a tutorial featured by Top US Craft Blog + The Pretty Life Girls: + printable award ribbons

4. Set Goals

Make little award ribbons from paper that students can earn when they pass goals they set for reading, math, etc! You can find them ready to print in the PLG shop, then just add some paper ribbon details to the bottom and attach to your super reader or math master using a paper clip!

DIY Award Badges

Printable Badge Face Download
Hot Glue
Paper clip

1. Download our printable badge faces here and print.
2. Using scissors, cut out the badge faces.
3. Using scissors, cut out two strips of cardstock that will act as the ribbon pieces of the award.
4. Attach the ribbon pieces to the back of the badge faces using glue.
5. Attach the ribbon to the student with a paper clip.

5. Have Fun

Make detachable/interchangeable foam animal ears that can be added to headphones to make e-learning more fun! Click here to see how to make them!

E-Learning Organization: 5 Cute and Productive Homeschool Space Ideas + a tutorial featured by Top US Craft Blog + The Pretty Life Girls

That’s it! Now your classroom will be ready to produce some star students! What homeschool space ideas are you employing to make homeschool manageable, exciting and fun? We’d love to hear all your ideas!

Happy Making!
ox. Liz and Sam

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