Simple kids crafts have helped to keep us sane while we’ve been self isolating, especially those that we can make with supplies we have lying around. There have definitely been ebbs and flows in the stress level since we are all stuck in the house together and setting time to be creative has helped manage that stress a lot. Since the supplies are so easy to get our hands on, one of our favorite crafts that we have made over and over again (thanks to our friend A Girl and a Glue Gun) is raised salt painting. This is a fun watercolor method where you draw your design with glue, cover it with salt, let dry and then paint the salt with watercolors. It’s so fun to watch the paint spread across the salt and the glue and salt combined give the finished product such cool dimension! We’ll show you how!
Supplies needed to make your own Raised Salt Painting
Elmer’s glue
Watercolor paint
Paint brush
How to make your own Raised Salt Painting
Watch the video tutorial here, or follow the steps below.
Step 2: Immediately after applying the glue to the paper, sprinkle the wet glue with salt, making sure that the glue is covered completely. Shake off any that may be loose. Let the glue dry completely.
Step 3. Once the glue is dry, use a paint brush to apply watercolor paint to the salt. We found that the more watery the paint was the more it would spread itself along the salt, which is fun to watch. Let paint dry and then display.
Isn’t it fun? I love the texture that the salt gives this project and I love to watch the watercolors move and blend when they hit the salt. Who knew that this basic seasoning could make such fun art?
Have you been doing any crafts with your kids that have sparked a bit of extra creativity? We’d love to hear what has worked for you!
Happy painting!
xo, Liz