Marbling with nail polish was a big trend a few years ago in the early Pinterest days. We even tried our hand at it, making colorful marble mugs using nail polish! We have always loved this method and decided it might be time to try it out again with these nail polish marble pots! Now is the perfect time to try this out, since we’re social distancing and making more projects using supplies that we already have at home to avoid unnecessary trips to the store!
All you need to marble using nail polish is water and a nail polish that isn’t so old that it isn’t liquid anymore. We recommend testing a couple on a paper cup before trying it on your pots to make sure the polish doesn’t sink or clump up. You’ll know you have found the right consistency of nail polish when it floats on top of the water and doesn’t clump together. Here’s how you do it:
Supplies needed to make Nail Polish Marble Pots
White pots
Disposable container
Nail polish
How to make Nail Polish Marble Pots
Step 1: Fill a disposable container with water.
Step 2: Slowly pour the nail polish of your choice into the water, in a circular motion, making 2 – 3 circles. (If your nail polish sinks or clumps together, dump out your water and try a different bottle.)
Step 3: Using the brush from your nail polish bottle, swirl the polish around, very gently.
Step 4: Dip half of the pot into the nail polish bath and pull out. You should see a lovely, marbled design right there on the pot! Dip again on any sides that didn’t get coated, if desired. Then, set out to dry.
That’s it! Once the pots are completely dry, put some plants in them and enjoy!
I’m so obsessed with this method and the stunning results it can create! You can try doing more than one color, or do your mom’s favorite color and give it to her as a lovely Mother’s Day gift! Once you start, you’ll be addicted to marbling for sure!
What have been your favorite projects to do using household supplies? We’d love to hear all of your ideas!
Happy Marbling!
xo, Liz