This DIY Kids’ Fishing Game was originally created for Consumer Crafts.
A couple days ago it was nearly 90 degrees in NOLA and the humidity was hitting us hard. Along with this little heat wave came the realization that summer is nearly here, which means there are a lot of long summer days ahead. I found myself on a crafting kick, prepping a couple of activities our family can play with all summer long. One of these ideas is a super cute and colorful DIY kids’ fishing game! My family has already found ways to add different kinds of rules and twists to the game, and since it is made of solid wood, it will last and last.
Here’s what you need to make your own DIY fishing game:
Step 1: Paint all the things! Choose some fun, bright colors that coordinate with your patterned papers and paint your fishes, rod, and peg doll. I also painted the tops of my screws to coordinate with the fishes. Apply two coats and let dry completely.
Step 2: Trace your fishes on your patterned paper and cut out to fit head and tail of your fishes. Apply a thick layer of Mod Podge on the fish and cover with the paper. Use fingers to smooth out any bumps. Let dry at least 15 minutes before applying another generous layer of Mod Podge to the top of the papers to seal. Let dry completely.
Step 3: Let’s drill! Using a power drill, drill holes in the dowel (large enough to fit your string or rope), through the top of the peg doll (also, large enough for the string or rope), and in the places where you want your fishes eyes to be (not pictured).
Screw in the eyes of the fish.
Step 4: Using a hot glue gun, attach the magnet to the bottom of the peg doll.
Step 5: Thread the string or rope through the hole in the rod and the hole in the peg doll. Secure with knot and/or a dot of hot glue.
That’s it! Now you can fish all summer! Aren’t the colors and patterns fun?