Liz’s Wall Refresh with Minted!

This post was sponsored by Minted. All opinions expressed are ours alone. 

Some of you might know that my little family recently moved to New Orleans, Louisiana from NYC! It’s been a really interesting time of transition for us, moving from one distinct city to another, and we are taking it all one day at a time (all the of beignets are helping). We have moved a lot in the last couple of years and I have come to find that my approach is fast and furious. As soon as the truck is unpacked I waste no time getting furniture built, hanging things up, and getting plants potted ASAP. I think it’s because there is so much that is unfamiliar after a move, and I love making my home feel like the touchstone of belonging for myself and my kids. So, although we may walk out the door and see a completely different world than the one we are used to, inside it feels like ours.

Along with our familiar art and decor, I love getting a few new pieces of art from Minted with every move. It’s a fun way to tell the story of where you’ve been and where you are now with what is on your walls. When we moved to Pennsylvania we purchased some Minted art with mountains and a map of Salt Lake City, where we had just moved from. When we moved to NYC we purchased an oversized print of the NYC skyline with the Empire State Building right in the middle. Now that we have left the bustle of NYC for the slower pace of NOLA, I have felt this urge to bring more calming pieces into our home. So I’ve been drawn to art with soothing colors, and clean lines, and pieces that are a little more abstract, like a daydream.

First, we chose the Amour and Color Streak prints from Minted’s newest collection. I love the modern design of both of these prints up against our geometric wall, and love the colors of each of them. Plus, these prints are great for any home because they both come in a variety of colors!

I also fell in love with this “Don’t Rush Me” print, which is the perfect title for a print in a home in New Orleans. No one rushes to do anything here and I love having this vibrant print as a reminder to slow down.

Along with the amazing variety of prints and artwork from independent artists that fit every design style and life change, I love how Minted offers so many custom options from the size of the print to the frame type to paper type to the materials used for framing! It makes each piece feel so special, and you’re certain to get the perfect piece every time.

What are your favorite ways to feel at home after a big move? I’d love to hear your thoughts!!

Happy home making!
ox. Liz

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