What’s Old Is New Again…

GUYS, I’m doing that thing that the old people do. You know, where they walk down the street and see the things that those darn youngsters are wearing and hear themselves say unfortunate things like “Will ya look at that! Those Tommy Hilfiger overalls were cool when I was in middle school!” This realization then prompts you to calculate just how long ago that actually was resulting in the flashing of your life before your very eyes like an episode of Friends (which, in related you-are-freaking-old news, is a show that is TWENTY THREE years old. Time is a cruel mistress, y’all).

And while the fact that I am now old enough for the styles of my youth to have circled back is an unfortunate realization, I’ve decided that if I can’t beat them, I might as well join them. So, today I’m hopping back on the jumper and velvet trends that I once partook in long ago and I’m not so mad about it (this iteration of the chic jumper from My Sister’s Closet is the best, and these velvet heels from Indigo Road are everything.) However, what I AM mad at is the fact that Ross and Rachel’s daughter, Emma, would be 15 years old today if she was an actual real person. HOW can that be real? Like I said, time is just a big fat jerk sometimes.

What 90’s trends are you here for this fall? We’d love to hear!
ox. Liz


Heels: c/o Indigo Road
Jumper: c/o My Sister’s Closet
Blouse: c/o Amara

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  • PaigeSeptember 20, 2017 - 9:53 pm

    Those shoes are amazing! I’m LOVING all things velvet lately!ReplyCancel