DIY EASY Pineapple Bookends

I just bought and painted a used piano for my house, and am working on adding some decorations on top of it. I knew I wanted to display some of our favorite classic books and needed some bookends to hold them in place. We are obsessed with the pineapple trend and thought that making them into bookends would be a perfect way to add some sass to the piano. These DIY Pineapple Bookends are so easy I almost feel silly spelling out the instructions for you, but I will be a good DIY-er and give you the details anyway. Keep reading for the tutorial!
1. Put some hot glue on the block.
2. Place your pineapple on the hot glue.
3. Let the glue dry.
4. Spray paint the pineapple and wood.
After a little drying time, you have beautiful, custom book ends! This could not be easier, and the possibilities (colors, shapes, etc.) are endless.
Now get to making some book ends of your own and be sure to let us know what you come up with! Happy crafting!
Ox. Sam
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