DIY Upcycled Dollar Store Sunglasses

I have a mild sunglasses obsession. I like to have a handful of pairs in my car, purse, house, etc. However, I am the WORST at taking care of my sunglasses. I never use cases and I like being able to toss them in my bag and not worry about the consequences. Yes, I am a wild lady. I throw caution to the wind. As a result of my lack of care toward my sunnies, it is a rare day when I will spend over $10 on a pair. I say, the cheaper the better. So, you can imagine my glee when I found a handful of cute frames at my local dollar store recently. However, I felt like they could use some sprucing, so I took a couple of pairs home, raided my nail polish supply, and upcycled those $1 babies until they looked like a million. Or at least a $10 pair, which to me is faaaaancy.
There was REALLY nothing to this DIY. Anybody can do it and the cuteness payoff is major. Here’s what I did:
I gathered these supplies:
$1 Sunglasses
Nail Polish
Next, I taped and painted:
Then, I let the polish dry, pulled the tape off, and relished in the cuteness.

Have a “sunny” day, y’all!
Happy DIY-ing!
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