7 DIY Projects for Valentine’s Day!

As it turns out, here at the PLA we have a mild heart obsession. And by mild I mean major. Really major. The majority of our DIY projects tend to involve us plastering something with the shape and we can’t stop. So, with Valentine’s Day coming up, I thought I would put together some of my favorite heart projects from this blog to give you a little love-day inspiration. Whether you are looking for a cute gift, or a little something to make yourself more festive for the day when hearts are front and center, these projects are all cute as heck, super affordable, and a piece of cake to do. I think you’ll agree. Heartily.
This might be one of my favorite DIY projects we have ever done, and are still one of my favorite pairs of jeans I own. SO much fun to make and wear and soooo cute. Click here for our tutorial.
Oh, how I looove these truffles. I learned about these while I lived in Brazil for a short time, and MAN, do those Brazilian’s know how to make a truffle. These are the perfect treat for your Valentine, and are super simple to make. Find the recipe here.
This tutorial is one of our most popular, and turned out super cute. It will make you want to put a heart on every piece of clothing you own, a practice I fully support. Here’s the DIY post.
Sam is the reigning queen of the iron-on transfer, and in this post she takes it to another level of cuteness. You need to make one of these shirts to wear on love day. And make one for your Valentine. And your children/BFF’s/parents/pets. What I’m saying is, you better get over to the tutorial and get started. You’ve got a lot of heart tees to make. Find the steps here.
So, I initially made this apron for Thanksgiving because I love the holiday so, but it also makes the perfect little V-day gift for the baker in your life, or for you to wear whilst making Brazilian truffles! Yes, I’m always thinking about you. It’s what I do. Here’s the tutorial.


6. Hand-Painted Heart Tote

This tote is most likely the EASIEST project in this roundup, and takes no time to do. It will be perfect for hauling around all of the Valentines your many admirers will be giving to you on love-day. Here’s how we did it.

 7. DIY XO Tee

Yep, I told you Sam was the queen of iron-on! Can you believe she made this sparkly little hugs+kisses number? I’m still obsessed with it and devising a plan to steal it from her closet the next time I am in Utah. Another perf Valentine’s project. Here is her tutorial.

Happy put-a-heart-on-everything time!
Make sure to send us pics if you try any of these out! We’d love to see!


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