DIY Patterned Leggings/Yoga Pants

I have been dying over these Perusha leggings for a while now and trying really hard to come up with a way to get myself a spare $98 to buy them. But, you know how we feel about spending $20+ on a single item of clothing, let alone on workout clothing. Yeah right. So, naturally, I had to figure out a way to get my hands on something similar for A LOT less money. So I made some. It was easy. And I had fun. Here is how it went:

What you need:
Leggings / Walmart: $5
Fabric Paint / JoAnn: $2
Sponge Brush / Walmart: $2
Stencil / Printed on heavy card stock and cut out
Total: $9

What you do:
First off, I tried to find a stencil or hole punch to make my pattern, but I couldn’t find anything that I loved. So I went online, found a pattern on the internet that I liked, and printed it on heavy card stock. Then I cut it out (with scissors or an x-acto knife), and there was my perfect stencil. All for just pennies, and it worked like a charm.


Next, it was paint time. Like W mentioned in her Heart-Patterned Pants tutorial, it is important to use just a tiny bit of paint to prevent bleeding, and then do a few layers of paint as it dries. Also, after I took off the stencil, some of the shapes didn’t turn out as perfect as I imagined, so I got a little paint brush and touched up the edges.



This project was so easy and fun and cute that I made three pairs… See?




Now go make your own, and have a great day!
xo, Sam

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